86032 - Ribbon Fargo YMCKOK Genuine Fargo 86032 YMCKOK full-color ribbon with two resin black panels and clear overlay panel - 350 images. Fargo 86032 Certified Print Ribbons are designed to prints full color images on one side of an ID card and black images on its reverse side. Their use creates durable, 24-bit color and gray scale images with extreme clarity and detail. As with all resin ribbons designed for the DTC500 series, Fargo certified 86032 print ribbons contain RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology to let you know if the correct ribbon for your printer has been installed. Fargo Card Printer/Encoders require specialized media to function properly. To maximize printed card quality and durability, as well as printhead life and printer/encoder reliability, use only Fargo Certified 86032 printer ribbon.